3-4-All Blog Prompt – Beginnings.

Well the NaNoWriMo anomaly is defeated for another year.

Anyway, no let up Admiral Jespah was sent more questions to answer (http://boldlyreading.com/2013/11/22/blog-prompt-14-beginnings/) so without further ado, l shall tackle them.

Let’s talk about beginnings—


Space: The final frontier

These are the voyages of the Starship, Enterprise

Its five-year mission

To explore strange new worlds

To seek out new life and new civilizations

To boldly go where no man one has gone before. 

Have all isn’t that how Star Trek begins? After all it from that simple phase first used in the 1960’s that all Star Trek grow out of. Hence why Enterprise series and Star Trek: into Darkness ends with it.


But you could equally argue that it was Gene pitch of “Wagon Train to the Stars!” which got Star Trek on to our TV’s and all of the later versions and series still trace their beginning back to those simple pitch.


Anyway onto the questions: –

Q1. First sentences, first kisses, first missions, etc. – what are some of your favorite ‘firsts’ on Ad Astra?

A1. That a tough question with a far to long answer so I try to get to the five first that spring to my mind in no particular order they are: –

1)    The very talented trekfan first date story for Seven and Paul, “I Don’t Want It To End” (http://www.adastrafanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=1695) because this story is so sweet and it fair to say both characters remain believable and the date feel like the start of a real love affair rather than a force device.

2)    The next is the lean mean writing machine that we all know as Jespah and her First Eriecho story “Release” (http://www.adastrafanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=1115), The one that introduces Eriecho to us, a Vulcan raise in prison unfairly for her whole life and only gets a pardon when Vulcan is destroy be Nero. A wonderful person who is trying so hard to fit in on the Vulcan camp on Mars.

3)    I wouldn’t be me if I did give one shout out to the wonderful Weekly Prompts thread on the forum (http://forums.adastrafanfic.com/index.php?/forum/17-the-weekly-prompts/), where we get to meet so many wonderful characters for the first time and a variety of first draft of the great story that fill the Archive.

4)    Now a left field choice, the key first of the wonderful Ad Astra Forums the key Heya Everybody (introductions and all that) (http://forums.adastrafanfic.com/index.php?/topic/10-heya-everybody-introductions-and-all-that/) Since it the starting point for meeting and understanding the wonderful writers who appear in the Forums and across the archives.

5)    Okay my fifth choice is a little vain but it was my first story posted to the Ad Astra Archive, “Argonaut – Prime Minister Incident” (http://www.adastrafanfic.com/viewstory.php?sid=1649) the failed first contact by Captain Lily Fitzroy. A story born of a throw away line in one of my WFW stories over on the forum. To which I’m greatly indebt to Lil black Dog for helping me through getting from an alpha draft up to Ad Astra posting standard.


So that my five ‘first’ choices I could name many more featuring the great work of the usual regulars of Ad Astra.


Q2. What sorts of openings and firsts and premieres get you to keep reading?

A2. Um that a question I’m not sure I know the true answer, the best answer I can give is the openings are the ones with a hook. Whether the hook is the situation, the character or the overall plot mystery.


Bonus questions!

Q3. How do you convert blank pages and blank computer documents into works of art?

A3. By releasing the inner muse, then painstakingly adding one letter or one line at a time, as I chase and mark the muse fading patterns onto the chosen format.


Q4. How do you get first ideas?

A4. Any creative person least favorite question, I could claim I get them from the idea store like a certain professional writers claims when asked, but in truth, I don’t know. I get them from newspaper articles, dreams, what-if thoughts, or just a throwaway line in another WFW Forum story or in a song.

In short I’m an idea magpie, and I’ll take whatever ideas take my fancy and I think I can do justice to.


Q5. What gets you started, or re-started?

A5. The urge to escape this mundane world and imagine what it be like to soar between the stars to meet new civilizations and face alien challenges and see people who live up to the standards of real heroes and succeed.


Well that’s my two-penny worth’s on the topic of beginnings for you Admiral Jespah.

As always thanks for reading, and feel free to comment unless you a spammer in which case all phasers are now set to heavy stun.

False Bill

3-4-All – It’s Trek but not as we know it

Hello All,

Despite the NaNoWriMo ion storm currently been set in, Admiral Jespah has sent the following orders: – http://boldlyreading.com/2013/11/08/blog-prompt-13-whats-star-trek/

Q1. What does it mean to you when a story is described as being Star Trek?

A1. That it’s written with the ethos of wagon train to the stars!

Anyway a more serious answer is that it is set in Star trek (multi) verse involving characters from the United Federation of Planets or their enemies.

So many parallels

So many parallels

(I got to say that I think at least half the criticism I hear of the Alternate Original Series or NuTrek, are similar to the ones about Deep Space Deep when it first came to the airwaves).

Q2. What are the characteristics?

A2. It has heroes who do heroic things in space, with warp drives and phasers, to uphold a moral and just universe. But it has a sense of fun in it soul


Q3. Is there a bright line between Trek and not-Trek?

A3. Bizarrely yes and no

Let me try and explain, that answer, if you were to watch an episode of Doctor Who set on a starship, would you mistake it for Star Trek? No despite the fact that it a about an alien timeship captain and his crew fighting to uphold a moral and just universe.


Also if you watched an episode the space-station based show Babylon 5, and despite them been almost direct rivals for most of the two shows run, you knew an episode from Babylon Five from DS9 and vice versa wouldn’t fit in the other shows writing.

Yet you only need to listen to the STO Foundry fans “Foundry Roundtable” podcast to hear people, are trying to re-write their favorite episode of Doctor Who, Stargate and Babylon Five and any other sci-fi show you care to mention so that it fits in Trek Verse and fits STO World view. So it clear Trek is a broad church and can adopt from many other verses, so the line will be blurred if you look at the storyline, so I stand by Star Trek remains one of the few places where heroes are still allowed to be heroic.


Bonus questions!

Q4. What are some of your favorite explorations of AOS on Ad Astra?

A4. I think Niobium, Jespah and TemplarSora have both done excellent AOS stories and I would point to:-



Q5. How do you think these stories would change if they took place in TOS or one of the other series? 

The Characters might change but I see a good AOS story been able to fit into any other Trek Series, Indeed I like to see after the third AOS movie, for them to carry it forward and show us Enterprise-D or Enterprise-E, DS9 and Voyager as they are in AOS verse, what the same and what is different. I mean a lot of people seem to think the destruction of Vulcan will change the outcome of the Dominion War, personnel given the Vulcan reclusive ness and lack of them in Starfleet to start with, plus time ability to self heal, I suspect the Federation/Klingon allies will still defeat the Dominion but the Dominion might get a little close to the other core worlds.


Anyway, I must get back to slaying this year NaNoWriMo beast; sorry the answer is a bit short. Anyway all thoughts and feedback welcome are always,



3-4-All Writing Canon Species

Well Admiral Jespah has been on again just don’t mention the bunny suit! My orders this time seem to suggest I need to fill in a diversity census to help the admiralty confirm they’re getting the right mix of aliens on their Starships.

As always orders can be viewed here: –


Well as always let engage the questions.

A metal butterfly is about to flap it's wings.

A metal butterfly is about to flap it’s wings.

Q1. Do you use canon species in your writing?

A1. Yes, while not all of them have made it so far into my Weekly Free Writes or to the Archive yet, I’ve indeed featured in my WFW practices stories, Aenar, human, Klingon, Romulan, Caitian, Betazoid, Tellarites and Bolians. With many more still to make there debut going forward.

Q2. Do you select a species for any particular purpose?

A2. Why do I select the species that I do? I like to be able to give a smart answer to this one but the honest answer is most of my casting is just to demonstrated the diversity of the federation, and what I think suits the role in some strange way.


The only two selections that stand out in my mind are Ineiri the Aenar Admiral and form No.1 of Lily Fitzroy. Because I want to challenge myself but trying to show the strengths and weakness of a blind command officer and Naurr because I want to play with the quarks of humanity and food, plus I want someone who could question Captain Gorrim without it being out of place, plus I like Cats. 

Q3. When putting together your cast of characters, is species diversity at issue?

A3. Um, I do like to include a bigger mix than TV shows, except for my Romulan cast. I do like to keep to Canon species so I’ve got something firm to base the character on.

Q4. For canon alien species that are not well known, how have you given more detail to their back-stories and characteristics?

Q4. Slowly, The only real candidate is Naurr and the Caitian and when I get round to writing more Ariane NX-04, I’ll will pull in the things hint at in TAS, and other Fanfic Authors who had some good suggestions.


Q5. For those that are better known, how have you made them your own?

A5. I try not to as Star Trek is a huge thing, I don’t try to make them my own but rather try to focus on my character and insure they tick believably for me in light of their culture.

Q6. Is there a canon species that you have not added to your fan fiction, but you are considering adding?

A6. Yes many but the Axanar (Enterprise) and the Breen (Post DS9), as different enemies for my regulars and so are likely to be appearing soon.


Q7. How will you do that?

A7. Now that would spoil the surprise for you, wouldn’t it? But it’s most likely with an unexpected attack. While if I want to add more of the Federation guys, I might seen my Fed crews for some shore leave on their home world.


Bonus Questions!

 Q9. Whose canon alien species characters do you like the most?

A9. So many, more than i can quickly mention but let do the big ones,

Spock goes without saying or explanation.


T’Pol for been a better character as the straight laced Vulcan who deserved better from the show writers, Who manage to fill a proto-Spock role and yes she was easy on the eye, I admit it.


Sela, might not be a popular choice, but she shows it the screw up and paranoid nature of their society and yet how close they still remain to humans.


The unnamed Romulan Commander from the Enterprise incident, as she show that there is more to their society than the federation propaganda suggests, only a shame that TNG writers didn’t go back and watch it before writing some of the TNG Romulans Episodes.


Quark and Rom for the Ferengi, they try so hard and despite been envisage as comic relief they to me yet remain the anti-heroes of DS9. Even if Rom did manage to land the dabo girl of his, and others, dreams in the end. (Alright Quark, that’s your sponsor support I expect the gold pressed latinum before the weekend)


Garek (Sadly you don’t have clearance for the answer) but i do like his tailoring.


Q10. Do you think the character is true to the species?

A10. Spock & T’Pol yes are true to the Vulcan’s, once we learnt the truth about the Vulcan’s.

Sela & Romulan Commander – Maybe _ I think so but I do think how the Romulans represented on screen later do leave some questions unanswered about why they act then way they do.

Quark – yes he is always out for profit and only occasional let his loose sense of right stop him.

Rom – yes he shows the species but how he fails at all the things that are stereotypical Ferengi.

Garek – O yes even as the outcast spy, he shines a light on the Cardassian mindset just as much as Dukat.

Q11. If the character differs from established species canon, is the difference reasonable?

A11. As I said in answer ten above bar for the Romulan Ladies Yes, for the Romulan duo it come downs to a matter of taste and personal judgment but I’m happy however know others aren’t. Particularly not mention no G&T show hosts.

Q12. If the character is of a species with only a sketchy background, does the author’s vision work within the limited framework established by canon?

A12. For once I feel all I can said that is not a applicable question, at the moment.

Q13. Can the author’s changes and coloring within the lines fit with how the species was originally drawn?

A13. For me yes, as for some of these characters they did help define the species for the future and the exceptions can often prove the rule.

Q14. Would you have taken that mysterious though canon species in a different direction? If so, how?

A14. Well the only one I do different would be the Romulans and yes I’ve would have taken them more in the Rihannsu direction of Diane Duane Novels that Star Trek On-line have chosen to follow instead of the TNG/DS9 direction.


Well they we go but before we go here are my top Ten Star Trek favourite Species in reverse order: –

10 Breen


Just what is their secret?


9 Betaziods


Wouldn’t it be nice to visit their world?


8 Tellarites


Well arguments should be a sport.


7 Caitians


Intelligent Lions – what not to love.


6 Trill


Because it two aliens for one in the intergalactic lottery.


5 Cardassians


Because it complicated in space and not all bad thing are done for bad reasons.


4 Klingons


Bring on the blood wine and tales of honour.


3 Andorians


Blue and ready for a fight.


2 Humans.


If only we were the species Star Trek paint us as, things would be better in so many ways on this little rock of ours.


1 Romulans.


Engage cloaking devices and prepare our next master plan.


Well that all for now, Thanks for reading and till next time keep on to the second star on the left, Feel free to comment as always.


Yellow Alert – NaNoWriMo

So here I’m gently patrolling this quiet ad astra sector, waiting for my next orders from the admiralty, when from the officer at the tactical station gives the call “Long blog with pictures directly ahead sir,”

“Break out the Hot Drinks Yeoman!”

“Captain, I’m also detecting NaNoWriMo on long range sense, impact in T-minus twelve days,”

“All stop, shields full intensity and deflectors full intensity, Yellow Alert! Brace for impact!” is the only response.

I can already feel the vague worry starting to build that once more I must face this challenge. I’m sure Q is behind it!

Is this Q to blame?

Is this Q to blame?



Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.

Well actually there is one other response which is to ignore this strange writing phenomenon that is getting stronger year by year but what sort of writer would that make me?

A sane one?

“Thank you Jalke’i, as your sarcasm will help me to prepare for writing 1,167 words a days in November,”

Orion Slave-trader

Orion Slave-trader

Now while those Orion Pirates gag and carry Jalke’i off and lock her in a deep dudgeon for the next month, I can carry on with this Blog post.

NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month to give it the full name is something that happens every November since 1999, with the aim of encouraging more people to write a novel length story, but showing that it can be a fun also.


The full back-story and the briefing can be found on there website from here: –http://nanowrimo.org/about

In short it’s a daily short write that link together so something akin like tackling an Ad Astra Forum WFW every day. A mere 1,1667 words so it only about two and half side of A4, just how hard can it be?


Well I can only speak for myself on my past experience but it’s very hard. It does all depending upon how cooperative one muse feels like been on each day in November.


So let me explain my writing history with NaNoWriMo, so you know my road to this re-match.

I’ve personally tried NaNoWriMo since 2009, the first time I had no self confidence and so didn’t sign up official and just did some minor scribing and then after a week realises as I had hand written it all, I had no easy way to check my word count beyond a manual count and the thought of doing that on a week worth of writing combine with my lack of belief, fuel by the nay Sayers both real and my own characters lead by my inner editor kill off the first project. I did try typing it the following year but again my inner nay Sayers and a lack of time become the excuse to kill off project number two.


I realise something had to change for 2011. So I decide that I would be more serious with this project and thus took the bold step to sign up to the website and hold myself accountable for success or the more likely the failure.

So I sign up and set off on the story “2764 Ab Urbe Condita” as the synopsis still says on my NaNoWriMo profile this story was a steam-punk story in a crumbling Roman Empire, sadly this story only got to 27,437 words. Which isn’t to bad but it’s a long way short of 50,000.

20th Century Romans

20th Century Romans

So what did I learn from this failure and what lessons did I learn that I could now share with you, if you wish to tackle this challenge?

The first thing I learnt was that I didn’t sort out my research in advance, I should of at least re-watch TOS episode Bread and Circuses again as the struggle to come up with the right words and feel for this story. Having to stop and to research a new Roman name or title each time another bit part character walk on stage and then trying to decide which bits of Roman culture to keep and which to modernise while not lose the favour just slowed the writing. Then due to an under-develop plot line wandering off into different sub plots, which hinder my main plot development.

I guess it proves the old adage, write what you know and if you don’t know then ensure you have your notes ready and to hand.

Then the other delay was the dread real world kept getting in my way. I let work and travel to/from, plus the weekly shop and meeting with friends all eat up my time.

In short I didn’t make a plan and I didn’t stick to the writing. I let all the distractions win out, whether I should of or not.


Looking back now I feel like I’d try to run when I should have walked. So I came aware of the realisation to succeed that I need to do some prep work in October before November started.

So last year I decide to think in advance about what to do, I look at what I was writing with the most ease and enjoy writing, which back then were my mock Viking saga stories from the fantasy land of Okoumene. So I decide I write a story featuring my favourite two characters, the neo-Viking shaman Oweodry and the mysterious giant grasshopper Cardinal Theta.


Now both these characters like to run their mouths and I found there voices easy to write. Putting them together for the first time in what was intended to be the two of them having a simple go kill big bad evil giant wolf story which I would then back fill with lots of short story from them and the other minor character around the camp fire at night time. Plus if I was struggling to progress the story an Orc or something could attack and I then have a quick hundred words of the Viking fighting it off.


I then change my word count ideas, I would still try to do 1,667 but aim to increase up to 2,000 words on a normal week day, when the muse was flowing but I had to force myself to write on the train into the office, at lunchtime and on the train journey home again, now this at best only give me 700 words, but it did mean that I only had to write another 1,000 words after I cooked dinner.


Then at the weekends I would try to do double the normal amount i.e. 3,334 to 4,000 words. I would tell everybody this was what I was attempting and so I would be less available for other things and the pressure of others asking how it going to keep me on target.

Then Bizarrely last year I had a late camping fest weekend away arrange for November and so I had to come up with a solution for that lost time. As I would need to write longhand, cut off from the joys of technology. So what I did was take a big old fashion A4 pad and force myself to write just ten words a line to keep better track of my score. Then I would focus during my travelling and waiting for transfer time to keep write. I would get up early despite the hangover and write maybe a few hundred words, I knew I wasn’t near my daily word limit but I felt that as long as I did something I would be able to make up the difference in a future weekend.


In reality much to my surprise I did manage to make my word limits during this weekend but I don’t recommend writing with a hangover and no coffee in the great outdoors.

T'Pol in a strange land.

T’Pol in a strange land.

I also plan my weekly shop like military raids, to ensure that I got everything for the week ahead and wouldn’t run out of anything I need, and thus not lose writing time to wandering the store lanes or having to go down the corner shop for emergency supplies.


Then in advance of writing I set-up my small Viking cast and their enemies and on 1st of November set them lose.

I had great days, I had bad days but on 29th of November I was confident that I was now over my 50,000 words and so I submit Tales of Okoumene for Validation and it came back as a winner validate at 51,038 words!

Mission accomplished.


Looking back now the story still has plot holes and some ideas that need to be re-visited and re-edited and I do hope to go back and tidy it up but I achieve my objective.

Was it easy?

No! There were times I felt like jacking it in but the characters would let me. So that remain my key thing for this year, I have to care about my central character and know they will insist I keep on to the end of the novel.

Did it require me to keep good discipline for once?

O Yes.

Did I get a great sense of accomplishment from finally beating the 50,000 words?

YES! It was party time for FalseBill the sense of accomplishment and the winner e-mails from NaNoWriMo felt like cream on strawberries.

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.

Image courtesy of National Novel Writing Month.


Then it was over and I got back to my normal routine, but I still felt like I was on air. I had write a short novel, it wasn’t very good and being my first draft it has more grammar errors than you can shake a stick at but it was my work and I had done something productive to release my inner artisan.Then I realise having done it once I would have to try again, to prove it was a fluke, but now I face the dilemma what to write next?


So many ideas were fighting for space and time and each seems great but yet none of them were a novel. I mean each of my Star Trek crews was saying I should write them. However my other characters were saying that they hadn’t been getting to much attention since I join Ad Astra, thus it was now there turn. So I banished them all to the Brig and those that still didn’t get the hint were gagged and sent to the Orion slavers holding pen.

(O to point out that this is approximately the 1,670 word mark, i.e. your minimum day write target)

Is it just me or do other authors get lip from their characters, when they not getting story time?


Then I had an idea, twisting last year attempt I will write November tales a tale for each day, so I can write a series of little stories using all my various writing characters, so all I need to work out is what villain or events links all these stories together, the Chilo are trying to volunteer but I think they going to stay in the SLWalker/Ad Astra toy box this time around.

NX-04 Ariane

NX-04 Ariane

Anyway I’m not sure how much help this Blog will be to any of you who are looking to face this year NaNoWriMo Challenge, all I can say is I will be endeavour to repeat the feat again.

My top six tips are: –

  1.  Know you need to make time to write, every day even if it not the target value.
  2. Ensure you know your main character, can hear their voice and they know their mind, even if you don’t.
  3. Be aware that there is a writing wall for novel writing, and so just like people who run a marathon warn you of the wall, it will hurt to hit it but you must push on or you have only half a story. So have some emergency plot twist ready for that moment.
  4. As we say in the forums Don’t Edit It To Death Just Write (DEITDJW), so follow the flow of the story and if your main star decide to stop to smell the roses, let them and see what they want to do, Your Characters can and will surprise you. Accept this it can be a great source of new ideas.
  5. You will suffer from writers block accept it, go have a drink, go look at a pretty picture for inspiration or check your NaNoWriMo messages.
  6. They no shame in failing to met the target.


All the Ad Astra Writers who are declaring that they’re taking part can be found via this link.


Don’t be afraid after all as Will Riker said long ago “fear is the only enemy,” so be bold and join this year adventure, after all they’re no shame in trying and failing, but winning is so much fun.


I would point out there are 2090 words before this point, i.e. this is the sort of length you might need to think writing on a daily basis to slay this monster, once you allow for lose word days.


Thanks for reading, as always feel free to comment and maybe I see you out here in the sector of space known only as the Land of Fiction.

Take care, till next time 

False Bill

3-4-All Prompt #11 – To AU, or not to AU?

Fleet Admiral Steff has issued new orders, which can be viewed at: –


So without any further ado lets us see what the various trousers of time hold.


A1. Do I like writing alternate universes? Well as it could be argue that all Star Trek Fanfic is AU as it will likely as not all be wrong whenever the next Movie or TV season comes out. Then I could reply as I write Trek Fanfic it could be said naturally I enjoy AU writing 😉


If we ignore that twist line of though and look at AU where a major cannon fact is change, such as Kirk or Picard is never born, or maybe what if Riker or Shelby command the Enterprise-D/F instead after Best of Both Worlds, or AOS stories. Then yes I do enjoy reading and writing these stories to see where they go, I do indeed enjoy the occasional writing trip to the Mirror universe or  other trek universe stories, but then my ISS Ares NX-04, Lily on the USS Argonaut or Sclick and Ha’rris of the USS Excalibur would show that, (Well they would if I actually got round to writing/editing them and actually posting them to the Ad Astra Archive).

Not this future Enterprise :(



A2. So Admiral Steff is asking more specific do I like branching my key characters off and seeing where a different path leads them?

Then again to a to a less extent I would still say yes, not that I’ve written one of those stories in a while, but I do have a couple planned.


A3. Where do I start a AU Story?

Like all my stories I start where my Muse leads me to, So I can’t give a good honest answer to this, I just go with the flow, for example part of the reason I first created Lily and the USS Argonaut was created was to do a single sliding door series showing how the little changes get bigger the further the AOS gets from the destruction of the Kelvin however for one reason or another this is currently a pipe dream but maybe I start it one day. (Maybe I’ll try as part as this year NaNoWriMo project). 

Actually while my brain is in order, for the October Story Challenge of Dress up I was struck by the simple idea if the TOS Story ‘The Menagerie’ was made a DS9 story, focus on Wolf instead of Spock past then the decade old story would be the TNG Crew, and it start rolling from there.


A metal butterfly is about to flap it's wings.

A metal butterfly is about to flap it’s wings.

A4. How do I go about it?

Like any other story, I let my muse lead me to the key “what if” question and then try to work out the likely new effects.

So many parallels

So many parallels

Well it was a short mission this week so all that is left is for me to say thank you for taking the time to read and constructive comments or questions welcomed as always.

3-4-All Prompt #10 – Character Sexuality/Relationship Mixes

Well Admiral Jespah been on and has issued some New Orders: –

Well we seem to be headed into a cloaked Romulan minefield of character sexuality so I shall proceeded head at dead slow. Since this is the issue that does tend to get people wound up, when it shouldn’t. I shall answer these questions because it’s fair to ask them, about this part of human nature that is so often ignored in stories.

I don’t have good answers but these are mine.

So if you easily offended go look at pretty pictures at Trekcore instead.



There has been a dearth of even minor characters with, shall we say, less mainstream sexual preferences and relationships. Often, a character would behave in this fashion if in the Mirror universe, or under some sort of duress.

Q1. How would you change that?

A1. Without a time-ship I don’t have any way to change the mistakes of the past. So I guess all I can say is by trying to include such characters in my future works, not as guest of the week or minor petty officer on deck nine but as one of those major characters at the heart of the series.

Q2. What would happen to canon characters if their preferences or their relationships were changed? Beyond the obvious choice of bed partners, how would known characters change?

A2. Would they change? Should they change? I don’t see that they should be any difference bar bed partners.

Well that my view from the outside, maybe I’m wrong but I think that would not be a problem in the Warp drive era onwards in the Trek verse.

So I just can’t see how if Reed, Scotty, Troi or Kim would be any different if their sexuality was made an lmspr one. 

Well I’ve also look at Jespah own answers at http://jespah.adastrafanfic.net/2013/09/25/character-sexualityrelationship-mixes/ and SLWalker answers at http://ramblin.boldlyreading.com/2013/09/25/sex-and-sexability/. These seem to suggest that they don’t see it making a real difference either.

Q3. Are there circumstances under which characters would behave differently but still within the fullest context of canon?

A3. Not sure I fully understand what this question is driving at but I presume you’re asking if Q show up and clicked his fingers and made everyone sexuality the reverse of what it normally is would it break cannon? Then the answer is no.

Alternative are you saying if AOS Scotty had a relationship with Keenser while stuck at that ice station and then chased M’Ress on Enterprise (well she is on my AOS verse Enterprise) would that break cannon?  That my answer would still be no, it would all still be in the fullest cannon for me, since there is nothing in cannon to contradict it.

Q4. Have you created any original characters that follow less mainstream preference/relationship models?

A4. Yes, but sadly at the current time I’ve only reveal two of my characters who are Schick the Xindi Insectoid and her lover Jolene Lallason, who are in a firm committee lesbian relationship for the still in development AOS Excalibur series but they have made their Ad Astra debut in the forums Weekly Free Write #099 IDIC. I do need to add more such characters to get a fairer balance on the Ariane, Argonaut, Excalibur, Trireme, Ganges and Ketcheleb, I suspect Romulan lmspr will be a big challenge.


I think perhaps part of the problem for me is I do mock/torture my characters at times and I’m perhaps worry that someone might get the wrong impression that I was only picking on my lmspr characters for their sexuality rather than just (miss) treating them like every other character.

I freely admit I don’t write enough lmspr relationships in my stories, partly as I try to stay away from exploring characters sexuality, since I feel my attempts at private relationship do seem clumsy and so I focus on their professional relationships instead, this is despite knowing that sexuality should be an integral part of the character generation.

No sexuality is it as bad as no face for a character?

No sexuality is it as bad as no face for a character? 

But on reflection maybe ignoring the issue is perhaps worse than just writing something second/third rate and a bit of a cheap characteristic. I think the biggest problem is I do write from my own experience and while I can get what men like in their women and so I think I can envisage what could be appealing about a women to another women or hermaphrodite Xindi – Insectoid, but I’ve always struggle with what women see in men and so I do struggle with what men see in other men or hermaphrodite Xindi – Insectoids. Perhaps this is a empathy failing on my part.

Q5. How do you get across their inner workings without continually announcing in every other paragraph something like, I’m gay! Now, let’s get a pizza?

A5. Further to my last answer when I do try to write such characters, I do try to treat them as just another character, unless the plot revolve around the character personal relationship with a potential love interest or a relationship issue with another character. I can accept that I don’t try hard enough to get the balance right, which is something I should endeavour to do in future.


Television programs and films naturally cater to worldwide audiences and have investors for which they need to show profits. That can hamper all forms of creativity, including the creation of less mainstream characters of any sort, and not just in the sexual arena (e. g. minorities, obese persons, persons with disabilities, etc.). Throw away the budget!


Q6. How would you rewrite a canon episode or film to showcase a character (main or not) with a less-mainstream preference?

A6. Badly.

Now for the more detailed answer I honestly don’t know, maybe for Enterprise I would make Trip Tucker the lead gay just to remove all those awful Vulcan nerve pressure massage scenes with T’Pol or at least get that completely wrong relationship out of the show. Heck he could then at least give Reed a better response to the T’Pol question in that Shuttlepod One scene! “Malcolm she is wrong race and the wrong gender”


Perhaps for TOS I would consider make Sulu / Chekov relationship a little more.

For TNG, I would change Yar sexuality and make that naked now scene in Deanna quarters an opening to make it a deep looked at Yar damaged upbringing on that failed colony and Troi supposedly open Betazed culture, rather than the draft Data is fully functional line. Then at least Deanna would have a good reason for calling her daughter Tasha.

Yar & Troi?

Yar & Troi?

For DS9 I’m not sure who I’d change maybe it be Bashir, though as Jazdia / Erzi Dax having been both genders in the past they could of up either or just one of her to full bi-sexual.

As for Voyager, Tom and Kim might of made a good gay couple.

A very alternate wedding on USS Voyager.

A very alternate wedding on USS Voyager.

Though while speaking of lmspr, I can’t help think that Kathryn Janeway seem to enjoy the struggling in bondage in those two captain Proton episodes and a couple of other episodes a little to much.

Though I suspect that was that just my over active male imagination as work? Still it might explain another reason she was afraid to hook up with a crewmember or Q 😉

It all to save the ship.

It all to save the ship.



I still sure she not enjoying this!

I still sure she not enjoying this!

Bonus Questions!

Q7. Have you read others’ non-mainstream characters?

A7. Yes

Q8. Which are your favorites? Which relationships are the most believable?

A8. I’ve to go with Jessica and Justine by TemplarSola who just edge out Paul and Clark from Teri Lynn’s Heritage series but to be fair it’s a close run thing.

Q9. Which scenarios, outside of relationships, are most believable for these characters?

A9. The volleyball game fallout from Interlude – First Kiss

Q10. Again, throwing away the budget, what would you do if you could make your own new Star Trek series from scratch, where at least one or two characters would be out of the mainstream?

A10. The bottom line is I’m not sure how I would tackle it, I mean being British I saw the bashing the BBC took for both modern Dr. Who and Torchwood from a supposedly liberal minded public and press for daring to be a little more liberal with character who had less mainstream sexual preferences and relationships (lmspr) for some of the main characters (i.e. Captain Jack).

Well if it was up to me I can think of three ways I be tempt to try: –

A) I’ll be tempted for that reasons mention above to set a show entirely in the Mirror universe, focus on the Terran Freedom and Empire restoration movement. Since it seems more acceptable to the powers at be, to show more lmspr in that verse. Since the Terran Freedom fighter are more likely to have unusual relationships in order to survive and likely accept any body who will fight against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance.

So I would use that as Trojan horse to break in the less mainstream sexual preferences.

Mirror Fun

Mirror Fun

B) My next idea would be to do a vessel and/or starbase increase the number of aliens who have different biological and cultural relationship, i.e. Denobulans and Andorians or Vissians and then use that as a metaphor for lmspr, once that bed in I would then introduce lmspr humans into the senior crew and try to highlight the hypocrisy of most anti-lmspr views.

Tri-sex race the Vissians.

Tri-sex race the Vissians.

I admit neither idea A or B is ideal and so part of me would just be tempted 

C) To bring the excellent Vanguard book series to the scene.


But then that also seems a cop out. All I can say is I would try to include major & minor characters both human alien with lmspr relationships and try to find a way to organically integrate it into the series.

Q11. How would you handle showing the differences for HBO, or PBS, or ABC Family, if any of those networks deigned to carry your show?

A11. No idea, not being American so I can only answer for the British networks 

  • BBC

I’m presuming most of you have seen BBC America or BBC World Service and so know what the channel output is like. I think as BBC has historically been the home of Star Trek in the pre satellite/cable days, I could see them carrying Trek and given how Dr. Who has been allowed to move into lmspr relationship when it not to graphic. I think they would be no problem with a new show as people would kept they clothes on or were hidden behind bedclothes. The focus would likely to be more dry and drama driven. Perhaps with an historical context, since BBC tends to do period drama better than new Sci-Fi. So I might go down the route of maybe a T.I.C. series. So that it can then visits all the other eras as part of winning the temporal cold war.

Opps - Broke the future again

Opps – Broke the future again

  • itv

Since they very similar to BBC, these days but more commercial minded, so I think the only difference from BBC would be advert breaks and slightly more interested in getting the rating, they might allow a bit more nudity, but not enough to upset their sponsors. I refer to Primeval for an example of what you could expect.

i.e. a lot of bedroom/bathroom scenes with people in their underwear for no logic reason. So I suspect an AOS Series maybe on the USS Hood or the USS Excalibur


  • Channel 4

Well it would be made on a shoestring budget and the independent free nature means it fit in but I fear they might be slightly over graphic with lmspr sex scene, but would have the conviction to try and explore the deeper issues of lmspr’s. So I guess this be like TNG in later sessions, perhaps an after the USS Titan Series, to keep alien mark-up costs down.

Admiral Riker

Admiral Riker 

  • Channel 5

O dear that could well just be low budget PWP series, just for the notoriety of doing a gay trek, I think I would run a mile from anything Channel 5 wants to do with trek.

  • Sky One

Well as the rich Satellite channel with style over a substance approach at times, I suspect the show would be like AOS STID but with even more pointless semi clad characters and none plot required sex scenes, but they would want it a bit more Battlestar Galactica style perhaps a re-visit of the Dominion war, perhaps a different front with a re-cast Alyanna Nechayev as the G&T Show recently suggested, as she wouldn’t care one jolt about her crew sexuality as long as they follow her orders. 

Alynna Nechayev will order anyone to their death for the UFP

Alynna Nechayev will order anyone to their death for the UFP

Q12. Do you read slash (male-male relationships) or femme slash (female-female relationships), either on Ad Astra or elsewhere?

A12. Yes, I’ve occasional read both these type of slash and must admit the non-graphical ones I can on the whole make my peace with but what would be PWP, well sadly it don’t click for me.

Q13. Aside from PWP, how did the authors bring home ideas about their characters’ sexuality? Was it clichéd? Did it succeed? Was it hit or miss?

A13. Sadly a lot of the slash I’ve seen could be classified as Porn Without Plot. PWP-I’m so glad Jespah blog said what those initials stood for, which hold no real interest to me, as plot is somewhat important to me when reading stories. So I classified a lot of them as miss.

Well I hope I’m not offend anybody but that is my two penny (£0.02, €0.02 or $0.03) worth on this delicate subject. This has been a hard blog to write as I’ve endeavour to try and make sure I get my thoughts down clearly.

Cheers for reading, all constructive comments are welcome as always.

Till next time take care and keep writing.

False Bill

3-4-All – 009 AU Settings Part B

Well it would seems that Admiral MDg has some more questions/clarifications for me, 

Well I try to answer then for you here, sorry about the delay in getting back to you.

Q1. What do you define as the “soul of Trek?”

A1. Something very I find a little hard to define, hence why I didn’t last time but I suppose I should have. So I try now, to me “soul of Trek” is that exploration spirit mix with friendship that under pins the better part of human natures that is represenate by the Kirk/Spock/McCoy relationship, Picard vs. Q moral questions, Data search to understand the human condition. Sisko moral dileminas especially when he drags the Romulans into the Dominion war or Janeway & Voyager search for the right human way cut off from the federation or Seven mission to become a human individual again.

Uhura & Spock trying to do Soul Music?

Uhura & Spock trying to do Soul Music?


Q2. Also, what do you define as an “extraordinary verse”?

Q2. Looking at the past answer that is a fair question, I would define an “extraordinary verse” as one where everyone and everything always seem a perfect fit for the scenario, that no hero plan ever seems to fails in the slightest. One where every one million to one shots come off more often that 50:50 chances. Everything seems to be shiny or new and nothing is second hand, bent or broken. Including the Heroes and villains support cast. Thankfully we don’t see to many of them but when I’ve encounter them that type of verse does seem to be Mary Sue rich environment.


An extraordinary verse?

An extraordinary verse?

By the way, Terry lynn is rewriting her Heritage series, if you haven’t checked it out yet. 🙂

Yes I’ve checked it out, good isn’t it, Anyway who hasn’t go read it here: –


Admiral Riker

Admiral Riker

 Q3 Can you expand on below? I’m not sure what you mean by this statement.

“Hmm I think when people switch from thinking of it’s a minor character 
with new back-story to thinking of it as X author character that just 
happen to have appeared once.”


Okay lets see if I can add further clarification for you here.

A3. I go with a slightly bigger ‘B’ Character than the original question refer to, that is Daniels from the Enterprise series. Now he made the occasional supporting character role in more than one episode and so we left with a vague impression of him. However the very talent Jespah has written quite more back-story for him and his T.I.C. co-workers. Plus she has assign him other habits both good and bad.

He an agent of Jespah not the T.I.C.

He an agent of Jespah not the T.I.C.

So having now read and enjoy some of Jespah excellent work, I do now tend to think of him as Temporal Agent Richard Daniels’s and so I don’t look at Jespah work for inconsistent with the TV show but rather when I view Enterprise old episodes I compare him to the mental model that Jespah has painted in her fine works and not the other way around.

I hope that make sense.

I hope that helps clarify those questions.

I also note that Admiral Jespah is also in the house. You welcome Ma’am along with Trekfan for a shout out and you got another one this time as well.



S1. The most fun about 3110 or so is that it’s pretty much a blank slate. I approach it by thinking of the reverse. It’s more or less a millennium from now, and the Norman Conquests are more or less a millennium ago. So – how have things changed?

It’s a fun kind of thought experiment.

R1. Well I think you’ve done a excellent job of exploring that potential future, the only thing about 3110 that was said on screen and seem to hint at something dark, was the missing monument to the United Federation of Planets, since to my mind you don’t build major monuments to still existing organizations but I know others disagree on that.

The Future

The Future

S2. I do so love Naurr (as you know), and what is so charming there is that he is indeed a stranger in a strange land.

R2. Always a good character in fantasy or sci-fi setting is a stranger, so he can look at the normal things and ask the questions the reader might want to ask but no-one else would in character have a reason to ask.

T'Pol in a strange land.

T’Pol in a strange land.


S3. And of course the NX-04 would not be run exactly like the other ships in the fleet. I also love that things break.

R3. I’m happy I have manage in the few stories so far to show how the NX-04 is both like and dislike her Enterprise and Columbia sisters.

NX-04 Ariane

NX-04 Ariane

S4. That’s a bit of what I was trying to get at with asking about a Mary Sue-type of setting. I see the Enterprise-E as being a bit like that. It just seems a bit too much luxury yachts in space.

R4. Yes the Enterprise-E did feel a little like that, but then I suppose it the flagship of an experience and vast organization which can afford to cherry pick the best, even so I did think looking at the Mary See questions neither Picard or Riker would of scored that favourable under that system.

Not this future Enterprise :(

Not this future Enterprise 🙁

S5. I’m with Q. Space is dangerous. It’s got amazing wonders but we shouldn’t forget that it (and its trappings, e. g. ship design) also killed people like Gus Grissom and Christa McAuliffe. Imperfection = drama.

R5. I’m 110% with you and Q on that. I think that was sadly Roddenberry’s creation early fault, was he was prepared to allow his future humans to be imperfect, and so it did at times hamstring the writers.

It the characters failing as people much as the success that make the drama and the heart, dare I say it the very soul of modern Trek.

I can confirm Naurr is indeed waving his tail for you and O’Day. 😉

3-4-All #9 – AUs, Original Characters and Settings

Well the orders from Admiral Jespah are coming in thick and fast: –




Well trekfan, mdgarcia and SLWalker have at my time of drafting have posted their response and all three are worth reading.



  1. What’s the best setting for an original character? Is it as a lone figure, thrust into a canon ship or situation? In a group of original characters but still in a canon ship, situation or series? Or as a stand-alone crew, group, political party or other agglomeration of individuals?

A1. Well I almost be tempt to say that question is much the same as mdgarcia reply. To me I was taught that characters exist to an extent need to suit the plot and to suit the writers’ wants/desires for the story.


  1. When do original characters and scenarios tip the scale from new spins on familiar works to out and out non-Trek? Is there a bright line between Star Trek and not-Star Trek?

A2. Um, I’m not sure I’ve good answer for this one. You could say if it not a CBS broadcast then it not to Star Trek even if it is produced by pocket books. Though I think that is bogus answer. Instead I’ll go with a re-work of an old ruling Trek has heart and I can’t define it but I know it when I encounter it.


  1. How can original character love interests be integrated into a more canon scenario? What about original character leaders?

A3. I would refer you to trekfan excellent story I don’t want it to end found at: –



  1. For canon characters who have very little back story or screen (or authorized book) time, what’s the tipping point between when canon converts into what is, for all intents and purposes, an original character?

A4.  Hmm I think when people switch from thinking of it’s a minor character with new back-story to thinking of it as X author character that just happen to have appeared once.


  1. For representations of canon characters in fan fiction that are not well portrayed (e.g. the author misses the mark and does not accurately represent the canon character’s language, ideals, vision, etc.), can the situation be salvaged by rewriting the story with an original character?

A5. Depends on the situation and the character role and the ability of the writers, some aren’t salvageable and I’ve done my fair share of them in the dark past. Hence why I don’t do many cannon characters. However others can be, so it a case by case question


  1. For original settings, what makes them unique? Can an original setting be so extraordinary that it, in a way, almost becomes a nonliving type of Mary Sue?

A6. What make the original settings unique and in the AU sense this means what key fact or history diverge point is change is the question. Yes extraordinary verse might go a bit into a nonliving Mary Sue area but I’ve not seen any that I would make that statement about.

Bonus questions!

  1. Who are some of your favorite original characters that you have created? Do you feel they fulfill their purposes?

A7. That like asking do someone have a favorite child, so I’m not going to answer it directly. They all had they moments and I enjoy them all. As for fulfilling their purpose, as they only purpose is to help me unwind and distress and hopefully enjoy their advantages then yes they all do.


  1. What happens when you take a Mary Sue test Mary Sue test?

A8. Slight risky range, but I blame that on then been fit another for duty in Starfleet.


  1. What are some of your favorite original settings that you have created? Did they work?

A9. Well I’ve enjoyed Lily AOS between Kelvin and Enterprise settings, because it does have failings and mistakes get made. But I’ve not done a True AU story yet. I’m also enjoying Ariane NX-04 because thanks to SLWalker gift story in last month challenge, he grown and add significantly to that setting.


  1. Who else’s original characters do you enjoy reading the most, and why?

A10. Miranda Fave – USS Kestrel series, because it makes me laugh and yet keeps the Trek Feel. Trekfan – Hank and Bethany/USS Pearl Series, he tortures his characters emotionally and give then real challenges and you always wonder how they get out of this one. Note to self I must read more of it.


Those are the two stands out for me, but they are others like Terry Lynn Heritage book series, which paints the Riker’s children futures. Plus the environment of a potential future federation that has been sucked into another war is well detailed and written. Then there is Jespah HG Wells/TIC series, which show the dangers of time travel and how that 30th century future might work. I’ll be honest I do enjoy all the OS that I’ve manage to read of the regular forums users, so please forgive me if I can’t name check them all but know that I would if had time/money/resource love to see any of them as fan produced shows in the style of TAS.


  1. Are there others’ original settings that you like reading the most?

A11. See my Answer to Q10 above.


  1. What makes those original settings your favorites?

A12. The soul of Trek is in them and yet has something extra infused to make it more than the sum of it parts.


Well that my two pennies worth, hope you found something of value in it.

Anyway Thanks for reading till next time stay safe.

False Bill

3-4-All #8 Other Fandoms fictions

Well the latest Starfleet communiqué from Admiral SLWalker requires an investigation of a strange temporal anomaly from outside federation space.

The orders can be viewed here: –



Q1. Do you have any other fandoms you participate in aside Star Trek?

A1. I don’t participate in many other fandoms, I mean I do write the occasional Dr. Who/Torchwood, Super-heroes and once even attempting a bit of Discworld, however unlike Star Trek and Ad Astra I can’t find an forum/archive fandoms where I feel like I want to put my attempts up.



Q2. Are there any you’re interested in?

A2. Yes, those I write I like to write plus Stargate and Xena, okay it a guilt secret, but again I struggle to find any good single source sites, I will skip over fanfiction.net which with good intentions try to be to broad and thus you can never find what you want or any consistent themes.


Q3. Any original work you do?

A3. Yes the occasional Fantasy Viking Saga and the rare Steampunk story. Again these remain hidden away in the depth of my remote hard drive.


Q4. And do you ever find something you do there inspires something you do here?

A4. Always. As the practice of writing to Kes7 weekly free writes and the type of characters allows me to think of some-things that helps one of my other stories worlds.

Well as always thanks to trekcore for the Star Trek Pictures and other free screen cap archives for the others.

Thanks for reading, hope it shed a little light on the mystery that is alternative fandoms.

till next time Thanks for reading and stay safe.

Boldly Reading 2 – USS Agamemnon

Well the latest Starfleet communiqué from Admiral Jespah is in, viewable at: – http://boldlyreading.com/2013/09/01/boldly-reading-book-club-2-agamemnon/

This time the orders requires a review of the USS Agamemnon from M.D. Garcia fleet, which the ship and crew can be view here: –


Anyway my review is as follows: –

Q1. As the crew begins to respond to the adjustments being made, first by James and then by t’Aimne, how well do you feel it was handled?

A1a. For James adjustments, the Agamemnon crew, with the exception of Grayum seem to resent James as an outsider coming in and making them do their chores, which seems believable with Halley been the poster girl of resentment.

A1b. t’Aimne is greeted with distrusted, due to the Federation & Romulan history, she does seem to want to fit into the Agamemnon rather than still to trying to follow her Romulan protocol. While there is open distrust to start with, t’Aimne plays them well and starts to win the crew over.


Q2. Were their reactions believable?

A2. On the whole I say the various members reactions were believable.


Q3. Did the unit gel more quickly or more slowly than you would have thought, or was the timing just right?

A3. I actually thought the crew adjusted and started to gel a bit more quickly than I would of thought, but perhaps that’s their training as Starfleet officers kicking in.


Q4. The missing paperwork is, possibly, the first driver of the story. Between Captain Grayum and Missy, how did things get done before Rick’s arrival?

Q4. Badly. I suspect Missy did as much as she could and also did a lot of P.A. work for Grayum, like she did with Grayum privates quarters, however somehow I feel she did more than her official duties required as Hank seem to have lose his motivation in old age and lets things drift. While I feel Halley did First Officer paperwork only after her own engineering paperwork.


Q5. For what fell through the cracks, could the crew have handled that better?

A5. I strongly suspect like all short staff work places, people did the urgent stuff and then everything else went on the forever-growing pile of PADDs for someone else to do at a future date.


Q6. Or was it all a part of what happens when any group is short-staffed?

A6. Maybe, without knowing more it hard to say, but I think perhaps Grayum could of made it clear the current situation wasn’t working and getting a first officer was a necessary not a luxury.


Q7. By the crew being short-staffed and missing paperwork deadlines, was that, possibly, an impetus behind Rick’s transfer being approved?

A7. Yes. From the hints dropped into the text and odd comment, I think the Admiralty had spotted the problem and so used the lure of command to get Richard to request the transfer, so they could parachute him onto the Agamemnon.


Q8. If the paperwork had been delivered on time, regardless of staffing issues, would a new first officer ever have been assigned to the Agamemnon?

Q8. Given Starfleet staffing issues post Dominion war, I suspect a new first officer wouldn’t have been arranged if the paperwork and other duties were been done.


Q9. A lot of the characters have suffered career disappointments, and are working to get ahead. What are their motivations for their behaviors?

A9. It a little hard to judge the characters true motives bar Grayum who just wants to retire a captain for better retirement benefits. Richard wants command; the others just seem typical Starfleet humans who seem to want a higher rank for their own reasons.


Q10. Do the actions they are taking lead to their goals directly or are they more roundabout?

A10. The way I saw the main characters was: –             

Hank                         – yes (Beech on Risa).

Richard             – yes (Chasing command).

Halley                – yes (It why she did the acting No.1 job).

Missy                 – No (It hard to tell if s he wants to be a trophy wife or if they more at play in her relationship with Hank).

t’Ainme              – Not always (She direct with impression the others, but her other motives are more hidden) Her logs show her double edge.


Q11. How did you see the conflicting command styles on display?

A11. Lead by family/friendship under Hank. While Richard was more of command by the rulebook.


Q12. Which one do you prefer, personally, if you were serving aboard the Agamemnon?

Q12. I take the path of less resistance and go with Hank style normally, but under a starship I have the feeling that I would better about serving under Richard style.

AOS Bridge

Q13. Which do you think gets the most done?

Q13. Swings and roundabouts – but I suspect it would be Richard that is why Starfleet has the book in the first place, to ensure efficiency.


Q14. How is success measured within the context of the story?

A14. The mission was accomplished with minimum/no casualties to the crew, the new crewmembers are starting to gel and Starfleet discipline is returning to the vessel. So a successful mission.


Q15. Who changed the most? Did any characters surprise you?

A15. I think Rich start as a stick in the mud but he did learn how to adjust to a crew with poor discipline and then getting them to follow him. Halley surprises me she did seem to lose her resentment over Richard appointment a bit quickly for my tastes.


Q16.Did any of them behave in a manner that seemed inconsistent?

A16. Nope


Q17.How did the character interactions work?

Q17. The various personalities seem to interact well and in a believable manner.


Q18. Who had to adapt the most?

A18. I had to say it was a tie between Richard and Halley who seem to in the mission after-party to compromise with a middle path between them.


Q19. What did you think of the Romulan character, khre’Arrain t’Aimne?

A19. I liked khre’Arrain t’Aimne, it was nice to see a sympatric Romulan character that is more than a cardboard cut out.


Q20. Was her behavior consistent & did it make sense to you?

A20. Yes, she on a mission to an old enemy vessel and now a new ally and so she is trying to fit in while learn more about them in hope of a better future but also aid her own people in case of a future war.


Q21. Was she a believable character?

A21. I think so.

Q22. How did attitudes change toward her?

Q22. Most of the crew distrusted her to start with, but as they work with her and see her as a person and not the cardboard cut out of an enemy they start to see the person/officer and give her appropriate levels of respect.


Q23. Were those changed attitudes justified by her behavior?

A23. Yes, as she just did her duties as best as she could in anticipate of a Federation vessel operating system. Indeed in the combat she show great judgment to confirm that her combat tactics and objectives were to Grayum wishes.


Q24. Did anyone not change their mind(s) about her, who maybe should have?

Q24. Not that I picked up, I would say Halley perhaps change her mind again a bit to easily after actually working with t’Aimne. I know you could argue the case for Richard been a bit slow to change his fleet mindset, but something suggests to me he got more experience with Romulans than he admits, and so might have reasons beyond been the first officer of a Federation starship.


Q25. What was the climax of the story? Did it devolve to a satisfactory conclusion?

A25. Jumping over the actually raid, did seem a bit of a disappointment at first read, but I think in hindsight it was good to focus on the Grayum retirement party and Richard/Halley talk on finding a way to work together.


Q26. What happens right after the curtain comes down on the story?

Q26. Some nasty hangovers I suspect. Then the events of the still developing follow up story The Sacrifice of Agamemnon, which is viewable here: –



Q27. Where would you take these characters – and this ship – next?

A27. Out on patrol and throw some curveballs at Richard, where following the rules might not necessary be the moral right action, or something to divide and test t’Aimne loyalties to the Agamemnon crew.

Anyway that is my thoughts, sorry for the random pictures but all that text did need a picture break.
As always thanks for reading till next time.