3-4-All Blog – The Hard Self Sell

Well the next challenge ‘Prompt #5’ is in from Miranda Fave and it is “I think this next prompt is a little harder to do. I want you to sell yourself. Sell your story. Sell your character.

Just write about a story/series/character of yours you want to shine a light on.” =/\=

A ‘little harder’ blog challenge you say Admiral? Try a lot harder, tis a hard sell that the Admiral MF seeks. So sell my story or myself, which seems harsh, well here goes.


So I need to convince myself so that I can convince you my two stories in the archive, are some of the best work in the Ad Astra archive. that they are well worth your time and effort to go and see.  Umm argh, give me a moment, while I try to think of something…

Hang on, in the mean time while you wait for a compelling reason, some holding music for you: –

I am a lineman for the county

And I drive the main road

Searchin’ in the sun for another overload

I hear you singin’ in the wire

I can hear you through the whine

And the Wichita Lineman is still on the line

Right got it, It Read One Read the Other For Free, yes they’re both nice and short, I mean you’ve got Lily Fitzroy screwing up a first contact in a different way for 3511 words and then why there is an AOS Nausicaan in Starfleet back story for a mere 1381.

They can be viewed here: –

Um… O I know they’re both single story with no other link stories calling for you to spend the rest of the day reading if you like them. Well not yet anywhere, oh yes that another reason, if there is every a future part two you can say you were here at the start!


O, Oh, I know, I know it’s a rare attempt to see something written by me without any major grammatical errors in it, thank to Little Black Dog.

Pretty please with all the works on top. Okay now the attempt at guilt for a sale Kallachit doesn’t even have five reviews. He feeling unloved; go on for a quick read and a mere five words review you could make his day and mine. Go on make it your good deed for the day.


If you a real sucker for punishment further works by me, and some other actually good authors can be found on the Ad Astra Weekly Free Writes at: –


No sale? Okay I fully understand. O well Miranda Fave still wants a sale, hang on I should be able to sell bits of myself to that Vidiian physician for…


…Wait what do you mean the Phage has been cured by the Think Tank?

Okay how much for a one-way ticket to the B’Moth Sector, before Admiral MF gets back?


Anyway Thanks for Reading.